#BHN Gary's Economics on Piers Morgan | CPAG on school lunches | Minister Bayley resigns

#BHN Big Hairy News - A podcast by Blindfish Media

Described as a rogue economist and ex-trader, Gary Stevenson appeared on Piers Morgan to "debate" pro-capitalist political commentator, Dave Rubin, we intentionally put speech marks around the word "debate" because never has the Shakespearian quote “I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed” be truer than watching Rubin try to cope with Gary's facts.National’s Andrew Bayly has resigned as a minister after admitting to an “incident” for which he confirmed he had to apologise to a member of his staff after what he described as an “animated discussion” that turned physical. This is the second issue around Bayly’s conduct in five months. Child Poverty Action Group says the Government must consider reversing cuts to the school lunches programme as, for many students, it's the only proper meal they have in a day. The organisation's CEO Sarita Divis says child poverty is getting worse.