The 22 Age Milestones in Your Financial Journey, Ep #178
Best In Wealth Podcast - A podcast by Scott Wellens - Fridays

Are you familiar with the 22 age milestones that you will experience throughout your—and your children’s—life? Maximizing these 22 milestones is incredibly important for a successful monetary journey through life. Listen to this episode of Best in Wealth to learn what they are and why they’re important![bctt tweet="What 22 age milestones in your financial journey should you be aware of? Learn more in this episode of Best in Wealth! #wealth #retirement #investing #PersonalFinance #FinancialPlanning #RetirementPlanning #WealthManagement" username=""]Outline of This Episode[1:17] The psychological impact of turning 50[2:48] Financial milestones from birth to age 49[10:00] Financial milestones after age 50[23:44] Apply this information to your lifeYour financial journey begins at birthDid you know that any person’s financial journey begins at birth? How? As soon as a baby is born, you can name them as the beneficiary of a 529 plan. You can invest for them early and throughout their college years. You can start Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) or Universal Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) accounts as well.The second milestone is when your kids turn 13 and they’re no longer eligible for the child independent care credit. It’s a huge tax credit to take advantage of for kids who go to daycare. In 2021, that credit for 2 or more kids went from $4,000 to $8,000 but after 13, they no longer qualify.The age of majority in most statesThe next milestone begins at age 18. Your child is no longer eligible for the child tax credit. When your kids are under 6 years, you get a $3600 credit as long as you fall under the income levels. It’s based on last year's taxes. A lot of people are currently getting monthly checks because the government has decided to give people half of the credit upfront. But since you’re getting half upfront, only half will apply when your taxes are filed—which means you may end up owing money.Another milestone at 18? Kids reach the “age of majority” i.e. when kids are recognized as adults. If they have an inheritance that isn’t in a trust, they get the money at age 18. It’s also the age of termination for UGMA or UTMA accounts. Your child is no longer subject to the kiddie tax. Fun fact—in some states 21 is the age of majority.What about ages 24 and 26? Listen to learn more about these two milestones![bctt tweet="What is the age of majority in most states? How can it be a financial milestone in your—and your child’s—life? Find out in this episode of Best in Wealth! #wealth #retirement #investing #PersonalFinance #FinancialPlanning #RetirementPlanning #WealthManagement" username=""]The Rule of 55When I turned 50, I became eligible to make catch-up contributions to 401ks, 403Bs, and a 457. That means I can contribute an extra $6,500 for a total of $26,000. With an IRA, I can contribute up to $7,000 a year. If you turn 50 on Dec. 30th you can make the contributions during the year.At age 50 you can also become eligible for Social Security if you’re a disabled widow/widower.At age 55, you’re eligible to make catch-up contributions to a Health Savings Account (HSA). you can normally contribute $3,600 individual or $7,200 family. After 55, you can contribute $4,600 individually or $8,200 as a family.The “Rule of 55” also applies. Some employer plans allow you to take money out without penalty. If you get laid off, fired, or quit your job, you can pull money out of your 401k or 402B without penalty anytime during or after the year of your 55th birthday. If you’re an early retiree, there are workarounds (The 72-T rule).Financial milestones in your latter yearsAt age 59 ½ you can withdraw money from any other retirement account without the 10% early distribution penalty being incurred. When you turn 60, you can claim social security survivor...