635: Squirrely Games: a short story and guided meditation for kids

Be Calm on Ahway Island Bedtime Stories - A podcast by Sheep Jam Productions


Hello parents and grownups in our Ahway Island Family, this episode of Be Calm on Ahway Island is brought to you by our friends at Sambucol. Sambucol Black Elderberry is a supplement for adults and kids. Visit sambucolusa.com and use promo code CALM15 at checkout to save 15% on your order of $9.99 or more. Supporting our sponsors helps us bring you more episodes of Be Calm on Ahway Island!* Peanut Squirrel is always tired these days. Will she tell her friend Nutsy Squirrel why she is so tired? Narrator: Male Story Begins: 5:11 Squirrely Games Excerpt: Peanut Squirrel yawned. She and her friend Nutsy Squirrel had just finished their lunch of delicious nuts and were sitting cozily next to the roots of a big oak tree on a quiet Ahway Island Street.   “Those nuts were tasty!” said Nutsy chattily.   “Mmhmm…” responded Peanut. She felt too sleepy to actually say a whole sentence. She allowed her eyes to drift shut.   “Now that we’re done eating,” continued Nutsy, “Do you want to go play tag?”   “Not right now,” said Peanut, yawning again. “I’m kind of sleepy.”   “Okay!” replied Nutsy, undeterred. He wasn’t quite back up to his usual energy level after their big meal, but he was quickly regaining full power.   “Yes, those nuts were sure delicious,” he continued in his loud, fast-paced vocal style. “You’ve got to love oak trees and their acorns! We’re lucky there are so many of them around here…so many trees, I mean, but acorns, too, I guess. Of course, I like walnuts, too. Walnuts are great. Mrs. Martinez has the best walnut tree in the neighborhood – in my opinion. Don’t you think so, Peanut? And I know we both love almonds when we can get them, which isn’t as often as you or I would like, for sure! Did I ever tell you about the time I found a macadamia nut lying around one of the houses? That was a treat. Buttery, soft…In fact, it tasted like…”   “Yes,” Peanut interrupted him. “You’ve told me about the macadamia nut, Nutsy.”   Today’s Meditation: Relax as you imagine sunlight warming you as you lie in a grassy meadow. Looking for stories that emphasize acceptance, understanding, and empathy? You'll find them on Ahway Island®. Be Calm on Ahway Island® Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Magical Chair" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  You can search for stories by Learning Message, Character Type, or Narrator Type on our Episodes page. To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team, please visit our About page, or check out our FAQs. Additional music in this episode is from MelodyLoops. We'd like to thank Sambucol for sponsoring us! Sambucol is the Original Black Elderberry supplement, with products for adults and kids! Parents and grownups, don't forget to visit sambucolusa.com and use promo code CALM15 at checkout to save 15% on your order of $...

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