350. Kitten Love: a bedtime meditation and story

Be Calm on Ahway Island Bedtime Stories - A podcast by Sheep Jam Productions


Zara the cat carefully guides her adopted duckling, Dylan, showing the duckling her most sincere kitten love. Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our new story this week. Now, welcome to Favorite Friday! Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Please enjoy “Kitten Love,” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday! Narrator: Male Story Begins: 8:36 Kitten Love Excerpt: Sunlight spilled through the drapes right onto Zara the kitten’s bed. The little kitten stretched her paws out as far as she could. She purred, grateful for the warmth of the morning sun. As Zara purred, Dylan the duckling began to coo. Zara smiled and gently licked the fluffy yellow duckling’s head, grooming his feathers. Dylan hopped up and wobbled out of the cozy cat bed. Zara followed the duckling, grooming Dylan as he waddled away. Then the little kitten stopped grooming. Her little pink tongue stuck out of her mouth as she listened intently to sounds coming from the kitchen. Then Zara heard the little girl call, “Zara, breakfast!” Zara gently nudged the duckling, patiently guiding Dylan to the kitchen for breakfast. As the kitten and duckling entered the kitchen the little girl said, “Oh, there you are. You usually come to breakfast right away.” Zara purred as the little girl bent down and scratched her chin. “Here’s your breakfast and here’s some for Dylan.” The duckling waddled over to the dish the little girl had placed on the floor. Dylan sniffed the food and then stuck his beak in, enjoying each bite. Once Zara knew that the duckling approved his breakfast, she set about eating her own. The kitten and duckling cleaned every last drop of food out of their bowls. With tummies satisfied, Zara began to clean her own fur. All the while she kept an eye on Dylan, the little duckling was just as curious as she was. Today’s Meditation: Imagine floating on a cloud, and relax into the feeling of lightness. Looking for stories with positive learning moments for your little one? You'll find them on Ahway Island®. Be Calm on Ahway Island® Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Mystery Jug" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments. You can search for stories by Learning Message, Character Type, or Narrator Type on our Episodes page. To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team, please visit our About page, or check out our FAQs. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. As a listener-supported podcast, we truly appreciate our members on Patreon. If you're not already a member, please consider joining! Writing, recording, editing, and publishing episodes and managing digital platforms is an enormous endeavor. Our Patreon program will help continue to grow Ahway Island and we hope you will support us! You can choose from 3 different Membership Levels, all of which include access to our Archives and an extra episode each week! Are you and your children enjoying our stories and self-soothing meditations? We hope your child loved “Kitten Love." We ask for your positive reviews to help others find us, too! Please leave a 5-star review on your favorite podcast app (such as Apple Podcasts). And, please follow, like, and/or share our social media profiles (Facebook,

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