210. BCAI: A Change of Plans: a calming story and meditation for bedtime

Be Calm on Ahway Island Bedtime Stories - A podcast by Sheep Jam Productions


Carmen the Convertible gets a flat tire. She'll have to change her plans and wait for some help. Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our new story this week. Now, welcome to Favorite Friday! Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Please enjoy “A Change of Plans” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday! Narrator: Female Final Dragon Breath: 8:33 A Change of Plans Show Excerpt: Cool air swirled around Carmen the convertible as she backed out of the garage.  The little blue convertible looked up at the soft grey sky, seamlessly filled with clouds.  She looked up at the trees as a leaf floated down to land on her hood.  Most of the branches were bare, their leaves were neatly gathered in piles at the edge of the yard.  Carmen pulled onto the street, ready to go wherever her driver wanted.   They traveled along their fresh newly paved street until she reached a street she had never seen before.  Her driver turned.  The little blue convertible was excited! They were going on an adventure!  Carmen followed the street. It was made of bricks and a bit bumpy.   The convertible had never seen a street like this before.  All the houses along this street seemed like they were from a different time, long ago. Trees reached across the street, their branches creating a canopy.   Carmen thought the street must be beautiful in the summer, when the trees were filled with leaves.  Then she imagined those trees as the green leaves changed to red, orange, and gold.  She imagined the branches dusted with snow.  Yes, no matter the season, the trees would be beautiful.  Carmen was glad her driver had turned onto this street. Today’s Meditation: Imagine floating on a cloud, and relax into the feeling of lightness. Looking for stories that emphasize acceptance, understanding, and empathy? You'll find them on Ahway Island®. Be Calm on Ahway Island® Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Magical Chair," paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team, please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. As a listener-supported podcast, we truly appreciate our members on Patreon. If you're not already a member, please consider joining! Writing, recording, editing, and publishing episodes and managing digital platforms is an enormous endeavor. Our Patreon program will help continue to grow Ahway Island and we hope you will support us! You can choose from 3 different Membership Levels, all of which include access to our Archives and an extra episode each week! Are you and your children enjoying our stories and self-soothing meditations? We hope your child loved “A Change of Plans" We ask for your positive reviews to help others find us, too! Please leave a 5-star review on your favorite podcast app (such as Apple Podcasts). And, please follow, like, and/or share our social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ) to help us bring our original stories with positive messages to even more listeners! In the press: Digital Trends warns listeners that

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