193. Dragon at Work: a soothing story and meditation for kids

Be Calm on Ahway Island Bedtime Stories - A podcast by Sheep Jam Productions


Today Dragon bravely goes to the construction yard and meets Ellie the excavator and Danny the Dump Truck. Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our new story this week. Now, welcome to Favorite Friday! Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Please enjoy “Dragon at Work” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday! Narrator: Male Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 6:48 Dragon at Work Excerpt: Sunshine streamed into the cave and gently woke the dragon.  The dragon sat up and stretched.  The dragon had decided to take the train’s advice and meet some vehicles before finding the people, and today was the day!  Although excited to go exploring, the dragon also felt nervous.  The curious dragon wasn’t quite sure how it could have both feelings at the same time, but that’s how the dragon felt.  Excited to be meeting new friends, and nervous that people might spot the dragon and run.  The dragon took a deep breath in and out and set off on the day’s adventure.   The dragon wound through the trees until the edge of the enchanted forest was in sight.  On the other side of the trees was the land of the people. The dragon peeked through the branches, curious to see what was there.  In the clearing were several garages with different colored doors. They faced each other and centered around a large circle of pavement.   The dragon took a deep dragon breath in and out and felt a bit more courageous. OK, it was time.  The dragon stepped out of the forest and walked over to the garages.  As it did, the red garage door began to roll up and an excavator rolled out.   The excavator blinked as she grew accustomed to the sunshine. The dragon smiled at her, and looked quite confident, if not for the tail swishing back and forth behind it, nervously.  The excavator looked a little surprised.  The dragon waved, hoping the excavator would understand. The excavator did.  She smiled back and said, “Hi my name is Ellie.  I haven’t seen you before. Where are you from?”   The dragon felt relieved that Ellie was friendly, and took a deep dragon breath in and out.  Flames gently rolled out of the dragon’s mouth, showing the forest, and then the cozy cave. Today’s Meditation: Rest among the twinkling stars with today's meditation. Looking for a podcast to help settle your child in for nap time, bedtime or a break?  You'll find it on Ahway Island®. Be Calm on Ahway Island® Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Dragon at Work" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about our mission at Ahway Island and our team, please visit our website. Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care. As a listener-supported podcast, we truly appreciate our members on Patreon. If you're not already a member, please consider joining! Writing, recording, editing, and publishing episodes and managing digital platforms is an enormous endeavor. Our Patreon program will help continue to grow Ahway Island and we hope you will support us! You can choose from 3 different Membership Levels, all of which include access to our Archives and an extra episode each week! Are you and your children enjoying our stories and self-soothing meditations? We hope your child loved “Dragon at Work!" We ask for your positive reviews to help others find us, too! Please leave a 5-star review on your favorite podcast app (such as Apple Podcasts). And, please follow, like,

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