daddy issues: recognizing and healing the father wound

back from the borderline - A podcast by mollie adler

“Daddy issues” have long been romanticized and sensationalized (think Lana Del Rey’s music or the cultural obsession with Vladimir Nabokov’s book-turned-movie “Lolita.”) But what does it really mean to have daddy issues, and how do these issues shape our lives and relationships? Though it is generally used in relation to women, the fact is, anyone who grew up with a dysfunctional father figure can develop daddy issues. The concept of daddy issues refers to the psychological effects of a strained or absent father-figure relationship on a person’s mental health and relationships. TIME STAMPS00:00 – 04:05: Intro + reflections (why explore the father wound?)04:00 – 17:54: What is the father wound?17:58 – 21:25: How it feels to struggle with an unhealed father complex (poem snippet by Marcus Lee)21:25 – 24:10: High-level description of the father wound and how it presents24:10 – 31:20: Father hunger, father absence, father deficit31:20 – 43:19: The impact the unhealed father wound has on well-being and relationships and how it contributes to the cycle of abuse43:19 – 01:00:44: How the father wound manifests in our daily lives as adult children01:00:44 – 01:08:30: What is the difference between the mother and father wounds?01:08:30 – 01:11:32: How societal expectations and cultural stereotypes keep men stuck in the father wound01:11:42 – 01:20:09: Masculine expressions of an unhealed father wound01:20:09 – 01:34:54: Feminine expressions of an unhealed father wound01:34:55 – 01:42:47: Is the Industrial Revolution to blame for the father wound? (spoiler alert: it’s complicated)01:42:47 – 01:48:30: Psychology of the Father Archetype01:48:30 – 01:55:44: Fathers in mythology and symbolism (exploring our need for heroes and villains)01:55:44 – Practical suggestions and techniques for father wound healing02:08:46 –02:17:48: HEALING SEGMENT - Getting into the meditative state02:17:48 – 02:37:18: Father wound healing visualization exercise (inspired by the work of Virginia Satir)02:37:18 – 02:52:48: Final reflections, where Mollie is at in her current healing journey, additional thoughts + recommendations regarding the father wound Enjoyed this episode? Explore more as a Premium Submarine. Dive deep into hundreds of hours of ad-free exclusive content and full-length episodes on Patreon, including my original BPD recovery series, guided meditations, and much more. Click here to preview the premium collections you’ll unlock access to for as little as a couple of cups of coffee a month. Learn more and join at information contained in this podcast episode is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a licensed mental health professional. acast+ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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