Is Baby-Led Weaning Safe? A Deep Dive into Current Research
Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro - A podcast by Katie Ferraro

#473: Is baby-led weaning safe? Does it work? Is there research to support skipping spoon-feeding? In this episode we’ll do a deep dive into the current research behind baby-led weaning and starting solid foods. Listen to this episode to learn: Why baby-led weaning does not lead to increased risk of choking compared to adult-led spoon feeding…but what parents need to know in order to reduce choking risk How baby-led weaning prevents nutrients gaps and why your baby will not suffer from iron deficiency if you teach them to eat these foods from their first bites Which foods help prevent growth faltering and promote independent eating so you don’t have to force-feed your baby purees from a spoon Shownotes for this episode + references can be found here: Links from this episode: Book: Why Starting Solids Matters by Amy Brown Free Feeding Guide: 15 Foods Never to Feed Your Baby Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro program with the 100 First Foods™ Daily Meal Plan, join here: Baby-Led Weaning for Beginners free online workshop with 100 First Foods™ list to all attendees, register here: Other Episodes Related to this Topic Episode 70 - The Evidence Behind Baby-Led Weaning with Amy Brown, PhD Episode 214 - Overcoming Anxiety in the Feeding Relationship with Jo Cormack, PhD 🌱 🌱🌱🌱 🌱 Not sure about which foods to offer your baby next? Get your copy of my original 100 FIRST FOODS list on my free online video workshop called BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS. 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 Want guided help on how to make all of the 100 FIRST FOODS™ safely for your baby? My program BABY-LED WEANING WITH KATIE FERRARO has a 100 FIRST FOODS daily meal plan and everything else you need to start solid foods safely with baby-led weaning. CLICK HERE TO JOIN. 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Be sure to follow @babyledweanteam on Instagram and our Baby-Led Weaning YouTube channel for more information about helping your baby transition to solid foods safely. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 If you learned something from this episode and like this podcast, your review means the WORLD to us and helps other parents find this important evidence-based infant feeding info. Click here to leave a review on Apple podcasts and thanks for being a part of this amazing and supportive BLW community! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit