Game Meat: How to Offer Game Meats Safely to Your Baby

Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro - A podcast by Katie Ferraro


#117: Is it safe for babies to eat game meat? We’re talking about venison and deer, elk, moose, wild boar and other wild animals and do you make them safe for babies to eat? Game meat offers unique taste and texture opportunities for your baby...but there are some safety precautions to take to ensure the meat is being handled and prepared in a way that does not harm the baby. Listen to this episode to learn: Why game meats are more lean than domesticated animal meat...and the types of cooking methods to employ to make them safe for babies to eat What types of bullets to choose to help prevent lead toxicity from the meat that is then fed to babies How to braise elk steaks and incorporate ground game meats into recipes that babies (and the rest of the family!) will love Shownotes for this episode can be found here: Links from This Episode: Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro program with the 100 First Foods™ Daily Meal Plan, join here:   Baby-Led Weaning for Beginners free online workshop with 100 First Foods™ list to all attendees, register here: Other Episodes Related to This Topic:  Podcast Episode 103 Liver: How to Offer Liver Safely to Babies was mentioned in this episode and you can learn all about liver by clicking here. 🌱 🌱🌱🌱 🌱 Not sure about which foods to offer your baby next? Get your copy of my original 100 FIRST FOODS list on my free online video workshop called BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS. 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 Want guided help on how to make all of the 100 FIRST FOODS™ safely for your baby? My program BABY-LED WEANING WITH KATIE FERRARO has a 100 FIRST FOODS daily meal plan and everything else you need to start solid foods safely with baby-led weaning. CLICK HERE TO JOIN. 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Be sure to follow @babyledweanteam on Instagram and our Baby-Led Weaning YouTube channel for more information about helping your baby transition to solid foods safely. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 If you learned something from this episode and like this podcast, your review means the WORLD to us and helps other parents find this important evidence-based infant feeding info. Click here to leave a review on Apple podcasts or rate this show on Spotify podcasts and thanks for being a part of this amazing and supportive baby-led weaning community! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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