The Insecure Spouse | Ep. 484
Awesome Marriage Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Kim Kimberling - Tuesdays
Has you or your spouse’s insecurity affected your marriage? We’re all insecure about something, and the way we see ourselves will end up spilling over into the way we relate to others. Nowhere is this more likely to happen than in marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share practical ways to address your insecurity and your spouse’s insecurity, including a surprising way Dr. Kim has learned to turn his weaknesses to strengths. Tune in for wisdom and practical tips. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. RESOURCES Did you leave a review of the podcast? Screenshot and email it to info@awesomemarriage with the subject “Free Notes,” and we’ll email you back with your early-access copy of our fun “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free! We are thrilled to announce we’re putting on another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Discounted Early Bird registration starts Sept 21st. But we are also offering an additional 10% off when you use code “awesomemarriage10”! Find out more here. Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). Our new Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that! Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies! Did you leave a review of the podcast? Screenshot and email it to info@awesomemarriage with the subject “Free Notes,” and we’ll email you back with your early-access copy of our fun “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free! We are thrilled to announce we’re putting on another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Discounted Early Bird registration starts Sept 21st. But we are also offering an additional 10% off when you use code “awesomemarriage10”! Find out more here. Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!