Springtime Forever (Getting the Drug Out) -Anthony de Mello
Awaken2Now (Nothing To Figure Out) - A podcast by Awaken2Now
When an archer is shooting for fun He has all his skill. If he shoots for a brass buckle He is already nervous. If he shoots for a prize of gold He goes blind Or sees two targets – He is out of his mind. His skill has not changed, But the prize divides him. He cares He thinks more of winning Than of shooting – And the need to win Drains him of power. I feel good because the world is right. Wrong. The world is right because I feel good. What? I am here to be love not to become lovable. The truth makes one free and then hated by everyone who cannot accept this one’s breaking away from this need to be needed, this craving to be craved, this seeking of approval that cannot find peace. An infant is lovable until it cries too much. How does an infant cry too much? It cries and laughs because it is what it is. Only when brainwashed adults tell the baby and child that because they don’t like the feelings within themselves (but they’re so unaware they cannot see this), that the baby or child is responsible for the adults negative emotions. It’s like going to the doctor, explaining your emotional problems and then the doctor writing a prescription for the next door neighbor. The same rain that produces weeds in thickets produces roses in the garden. A rose remains a rose regardless of being called something else by using another name. Don’t mistake LOVED for condition. Nor NEEDED for addiction. Nor BLESSED for a historical one time miracle. The rain that disturbs a picnic doesn’t disturb a picnic but only my programming that the picnic should have been without rain. Do you see this? Whether you can or cannot, there’s nothing to SCREAM at.