Episode 53: Special Education Process Mini Course (Part 3): The Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Autism In Real Life - A podcast by Ilia Walsh, Creator and Host

In this podcast I discuss the IEP process and form in detail. This can help to create a comprehensive education plan that is truly customized for a child so that they can access the curriculum and make effective progress. IEP Samplehttps://www.livesinthebalance.org/sites/default/files/CPS%20Flavored%20IEP%203_0.pdfAnatomy of an IEP Guidebookhttps://assets.ctfassets.net/p0qf7j048i0q/24s5adt3xYto4Ri8QwBJxo/3121f047b5e8882dd2dc706d40be17b2/Anatomy_of_an_IEP_Understood.pdf