2 Thanksgiving Games & Gratitude Actions
The JJ Campbell Show - A podcast by JJ Campbell and Christian Parenting - Wednesdays

Here is a special Thanksgiving-themed episode for you this week! We're playing 2 Thanksgiving games - "Oh Yeah No Way" and a Thanksgiving Trivia game! We're also discussing specific ways that kids can show gratitude in their actions during your family Thanksgiving Day festivities. We hope you enjoy this episode! Happy Thanksgiving Week! I thought it would be a fun idea to do a special episode for the week of Thanksgiving! I hope that you’re listening as you are driving to a family member’s house. Or maybe you’re doing a destination Thanksgiving celebration! Whatever you’re doing or wherever you’re going, I’m glad that you’re listening! Along For the Ride is all about having fun and making memories as a family. We can do that in the car! Kids Car Game - Oh Yeah! No Way! For our main game today, we’re going to play Oh Yeah! No Way! How this works is that I’ll read out something Thanksgiving-related and you’ll share your reaction. “Oh Yeah” if you like it, “Oh No” if you don’t like it. Easy right?! 4 Ways Kids Can Help on Thanksgiving In episode 17, we talked about showing our gratitude and what that means. If you have some extra time, go listen to that episode for a springboard into a gratitude discussion! In the previous episode, we talked about saying what we’re grateful for out loud. This week we’re going to talk about actions you can take to show gratitude. The actions we take can show our gratitude. Here are some suggestions that kids can do before, during, and after your Thanksgiving meal to show their gratitude: Offer to help in the kitchen. You could butter the rolls, stir the mashed potatoes, or put ice in the drinking glasses! If someone gives you a task, say yes with a smile! Your helpfulness will go a long way! Offer to help set the table. Don’t make yucky faces if you don’t like something you tasted. You don’t have to like everything or eat everything, but try your best not to show it on your face if you don’t like the way something tastes. Instead of immediately running off to play or do something else, offer to help clean up. Ask your parents how you can help clean up your plate I believe that small actions can make big impacts. Kids Car Game - Thanksgiving True or False I’ve got one more activity for us before we wrap today’s episode. Let’s play a good ole fashioned game of True or False. I’ll share a statement and you’ll say out loud whether you think that statement is true or false. Easy enough! Here we go! Answers key available at Alongfortheride.info Jingle Bells was originally a Thanksgiving Song. True or False? President Abraham Lincoln was the first present to declare Thanksgiving a national holiday. True or False? More people travel to Orlando, Florida than anywhere else on Thanksgiving. True or False? The NFL started the tradition of playing football on Thanksgiving. True or False? And there you have it! Some random and intriguing Thanksgiving trivia to impress your friends with! I got this info from BestLifeOnline.com. Check it out if you want to read more interesting facts! That’s it for our show today! Thank you so much for listening! I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. I am so grateful for friends like you!