J-Team 1: Jehovah Jireh

Adventures: Bible Truths in Action - A podcast by Ron and Carrie Webb


Deep in the heart of Israel, God desires to be known by His chosen people.  Revealing Himself to Moses as Yahweh, the Great I Am, a name too holy to utter, the Israelites call Him Jehovah.  Throughout the Old Testament, Jehovah responds to the faith of His people and shows Himself strong on their behalf.  In remembrance of Jehovah’s power and love, the people give Him additional names describing His ability and willingness to help in their lives.  Each name describes the nature of the One True God!  Each is Jehovah!  Together, they are the J-Team! In the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon, there lived a widow woman and her son who were so poor that they were about to starve to death.  One day, Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider, gave the widow a promise and when she believed it and followed Jireh’s instructions, her life and the life of her son were saved.   You can read more about this story in 1 Kings 17:8-24. #kids, #biblestoriesforkids, #storiesforkids,#bedtimestoriesforkids, #storiesforchristiankids, #biblelessonsforkids, #bestronginthelord, #jehovahjireh, #thelordgodalmightyourprovider, #thelordwillprovide,  #fishbytesforkids, #fishbytes4kids, #fishbites4kids, #ronandcarriewebb, #roncarriewebb IMAGE BY FREEPIK

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