Off Topic: Hurricane Kartina's Devastation

A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor - A podcast by Natalia Worthington

Just to keep all my listeners posted. I am using internet access through Houma Public Library at the moment. I was affraid I wouldn't be able to get the next show out to you this coming Saturday, but now I promise you it WILL happen. This is the 1st opportunity I had to get online since last Saturday. My husband and I, and our two little girls left New Orleans at 7am on Saturday and went to Houma, Louisiana, where my husband's parents live. We grabbed bare minimum of clothes, food, etc. and left. I am sooooo glad I took my PowerBook with me. Without it I'd have no way of making the show or communicating with anyone, especially my parents in Kostroma, Russia. I have no idea whether my house is still there or not. None of the residents of New Orleans area are allowed to go back to the city till Monday. I can't wait to see what happened to our home, but there are reports that it's very unsafe to return at this moment - too many criminals on the loose...armed. Now, about the folks you saw on TV that were taking food and drinks out of the stores. Reporters are calling them "looters", but all they are doing is trying to save their lives. Anyway, I am extremely thankful that our lives were spared, that we have a roof over our heads and food to eat. I just pray for the ones that are struggling right now, as well as for the rescue teams. More about this and A Spoonfull of Russian later on Saturday!

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