Lesson 3 - 'How are You?'
A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor - A podcast by Natalia Worthington

If you ask a Russian 'How are you?' (КАК ДЕЛА) you might hear more that just a simple "OK". But for starters we'll learn some simple replies. Here are the transcripts of the dialogs from our lesson. #1 (- Как дела, Эмили? - Хорошо, спасибо. ) #2 (- Как дела, Эмили? - Хорошо, спасибо. А у вас?) ("I am fine as well" - "Тоже хорошо" ) #3 (- Как дела, мам? - Так себе...) #4 (- Как дела, мам? - Ничего хорошего, Эмили...) Word/Expressions list: Provided below are the lyrics to the song you heard on the show (click for a bigger view) Email me with any questions or comments. And yes, the lessons WILL get more challenging.