Lesson 26 - Consonants [p][b] and [n][t][d]
A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor - A podcast by Natalia Worthington

Lesson on bilabial stop consonants [p] [b] and dental consonants [n] [t] [d] 1. Greeting by a subscriber (Thank you, Jeanette, and Happy Birthday!) - Спасибо! С днём рождения! 2. Recommendation of recording apps - Voice Record Pro (for iOS) - Hi-Q mp3 Voice Recorder (for Android) Another way - Google voice 209-980-RUSS (209-980-7877) BIG thanks to all who show their support by: - purchasing authentic Russian food at Russiantable.com also via a banner 3. Lesson - bilabial stop consonants [p] [b] and dental consonants [n] [t] [d] Twitter @russianspoonful Email: [email protected] Website: speakrussian.blogspot.com You can also leave a voicemail by dialing 209-980-RUSS (209-980-7877) and I will play your recording on the air and will try my best to answer p.s. my apologies again for the sub-par sound. IPad's mic produces uneven sound even with a slight deviation from it. Can't wait till I get a Mac! p.p.s. I also appreciate your rating of the podcast in iTunes:) To all my Russian friends: "С Днём Победы!"