Lesson 17 - Russian Cursive (Letters "Д,Е,Ё,Ж")

A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor - A podcast by Natalia Worthington

(Please follow the video for this lesson. Just click on the title of the blog entry.) Добрый день, дорогие друзья! You are listening to and viewing 'A Spoonful of Russian' podcast, where we learn Russian 'one bite at a time'! I am your host, Natalia. Давайте начнём (Let us begin)! First, I want to take just a few seconds to thank all those who contributed to this show either by donating through PayPal, purchasing products with 'Spoonful of Russian' logo at my cafepress.com store of going to russiantable.com online grocery store via the link on the right. Thanks to you I was able to purchase Snapz Pro X software that enabled me to record visual lessons for you, just like this one. And now for our next Russian letters in cursive...... ------------------------------------------------- I'd like to ask my listeners to e-mail me short accounts of the reasons behind your interest in Russian language and culture. You can either shoot me an e-mail telling me why you love Russian or send me a short audio. If you want me to play it on the show, let me know. Всего хорошего и до скорой встречи (All the best, and see you soon) ! -------------------------------------------------

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