Bad Cold Took me Down (Я простудилась).
A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor - A podcast by Natalia Worthington

Yes, I know, this bunny looks like he broke his leg, and the photo is not related to common cold. But he looks so cute:) Просто милашка!Thank so much for checking up on me and asking for more 'spoonfuls' of Russian:) I got so many e-mails I decided to post on my blog. Next episode is coming out very soon, so stay tuned.....I want to share a cold remedy that was sent to me by one of my listeners, Michelle."For that nasty cold:Take "Emergen-C" vitamin C fizzy drink daily. I would also recommend making a morning smoothie with 30 grams of whey protein (I like the "biochem" brand) 1 packet of Emergen-C and a piece of fruit (I use a banana). You can add Echinacea or any other little tincture you like to the smoothie. (I make mine with a Gatorade base, for the electrolytes.)"Спасибо, Michelle, and спасибо to all who wished me 'Выздоравливай'!