#455 Expressive Language Milestones by 24 Months
Teach Me To Talk - A podcast by Teach Me To Talk

Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize of teachmetotalk to discuss expressive language development for late talking toddlers. In this 14 part podcast series, learn all the language milestones from under 12 months to 48 months. We’ll break down all milestones for both receptive and expressive language into 6 month age ranges. In each show (as well as on the handout), we’ll define each skill, discuss its importance for language development, and then talk about the best strategies for targeting the skill in therapy sessions and at home. This information will serve as a fantastic reminder for typical language acquisition, as well as a great resource for parent education. In this course, we’re discussing the expressive language milestones acquired by 24 months. For speech-language pathologists, other therapists and professionals who work in early intervention and pediatrics, and parents of toddlers and preschoolers with speech-language delays. Recommended Toys & Resources Post Link to purchase $5 CEU credit: https://teachmetotalk.com/ceu_course/asha-ceu-course-455-expressive-language-milestones-by-24-months/ Link to Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual https://teachmetotalk.com/product/teach-talk-therapy-manual/ Link for START HERE page with THERAPY MANUALS purchase information https://teachmetotalk.com/2022/11/11/start-here-for-help/ Link to sign up for my daily emails and for my free Parent's Guide to Language Development https://teachmetotalk.com/ Link for Ultimate Toy List for Toddlers with Language Delays and Autism https://teachmetotalk.com/2022/12/01/best-toys-for-speech-therapy-for-toddlers-with-autism-and-language-delays/