417 Making Books Better for Late Talking Toddlers Part 3
Teach Me To Talk - A podcast by Teach Me To Talk

It may be difficult for parents to figure out how to use books beyond teaching a child to label objects. In this course, learn how to use books to target higher-level language skills including identifying verbs and prepositions, following 2 step commands, identifying objects by function, and answering yes/no questions in late-talking toddlers with activities for several books demonstrated during the course. Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP of teachmetotalk.com for this one-hour audio/video podcast episode, ASHA CEU Course #417 Making Books Better for Toddlers with Language Delays Part Three, as she explains how to make books better for toddlers with language delays in the final part of this three part series. List of the books used for demo from the course.