#329 Ideas for a Toddler Who Runs Away... Even from Things She Likes

Teach Me To Talk - A podcast by Teach Me To Talk


Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP from teachmetotalk.com as she answers an SLP's questions about a little client who runs away frequently whenever she and mom try to join her for play. Here's her question... I am currently seeing a 23-month-old girl who doesn't have a diagnosis. She is starting to vocalize purposefully. She does make some playful noises like sh, panting like a dog and eating and drinking sounds when feeding her babies. According to mom, she will inconsistently follow directions. Mom has been working on body parts, specifically her belly. As of now, she is not pointing to her belly. She was pointing to her eyes, but now she is not. Mom has been using physical assistance to help her point which she does not like at all!! She is beginning to imitate play routines like... feeding her babies. She is receiving therapy from a special instructor for play. I completed your 11 skills checklist with mom and this little girl needs work on play, receptive language, imitation, attention, joint attention and turn taking. The biggest need that I see is her attention. I am constantly redirecting her attention back to activities. Even if she begins an activity and I join in to lengthen it, she is off to something else. Using physical assistance sometimes helps her to stay with an activity longer. She even runs away from activities that she seems to love like peek a boo. She smiles and laughs when we play, but she runs away as soon as I give her an inch!! Interestingly enough, when mom is with her, her attention is better. However, when mom or I join in her play, it’s almost like her job is done and she shuts off. Mom shrugs this off as her being stubborn. I don’t think stubborness has anything to do with it. Neither do I!     

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