#275 Skills a Toddler MUST Use BEFORE Words Emerge - Show 1 of New Series

Teach Me To Talk - A podcast by Teach Me To Talk


Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she begins a new series of shows to discuss that skills that children must acquire before they learn to talk and use words meaningfully to communicate.  While it is true that "All kids develop differently," there's a general pattern of development that children follow before we begin to hear words - whether kids talk late or on time. In this week's show, we'll begin this series with a brief overview of what happens when a child uses a word and then spend a good portion of the show looking at what's normal regarding vocabulary size from 12 months to 48 months.  Additionally, we'll review a few red flags that let us know a child is at risk for more than late talking. For a written summary of today's show, read the post below at Laura's website teachmetotalk.com: #275 Show Summary  

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