#49 春节还用就地过年吗?ft. Amber

News with Zhe - A podcast by Learn with Zhe


🧨🏮 Christmas has passed, and the new year is quickly approaching. To find out if the Chinese can travel home for Chinese New Year this year, we will discuss the policies for Chinese New Year/Spring Festival next year. Chinese people haven't celebrated the New Year at home in two years, after all. I asked my friend "Amber" to join me in discussing the Chinese New Year today.  🧨🏮 聖誕節過完,就快要到新年了。今天我們要來聊聊明年中國新年/春節的政策,看看這次中國新年能不能回家,畢竟中國人已經兩年沒回家過年了。今天邀請到也是我的好友“Amber”來聊聊這個過年的話題!  🧨🏮圣诞节过完,就快要到新年了。今天我们要来聊聊明年中国新年/春节的政策,看看这次中国新年能不能回家,毕竟中国人已经两年没回家过年了。今天邀请到也是我的好友“Amber”来聊聊这个过年的话题! [00:00] introduction [04:03] explanation [09:58] discussion Please feel free to contact me. 📫Email me( [email protected]) 📺Find me on youtube (for transcripts)   📝Find me on Instagram (for vocabulary cards and QA)    👩‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on italki (with this link)   👨‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on Preply(with this link)  來源/来源:春节还用就地过年吗?怎样复学复课?钟南山解答七大焦点问题(sohu.com)