童話系列/EP15/愛麗絲夢遊仙境 (下)
麥寶貝說故事 My Baby Story - A podcast by 麥麥

愛麗斯和姐姐坐在河岸邊,突然一隻奇怪的兔子匆匆跑過,牠不僅穿著衣服,會看懷錶,竟然還開口說話!愛麗絲好奇地跟著兔子跳進兔子洞裡,然後一連串不可思議的事情接連發生了…… 故事:「愛麗絲夢遊仙境」改編 作者:Lewis Carroll 封面插畫:John Tenniel from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland via Alice in the Wonderland.net 下集改編自以下章節 第八章:王后的槌球場(The Queen's Croquet Ground) 第九章:假海龜的故事(The Mock Turtle's Story)<-- 由於篇幅關係整段刪除 第十章:龍蝦方塊舞(Lobster Quadrille) <-- 由於篇幅關係整段刪除 第十一章:誰偷了餡餅(Who Stole the Tarts?) 第十二章:愛麗絲的證明(Alice's Evidence) 背景音樂:依照播放順序 (開場) Amilcare Ponchielli/La Gioconda – Dance of the Hours By Markus Staab (進入花園) Reinecke/String Quartet No.2, Op.30 – I. Allegro con brio (王后出場) Hermann Necke/Csikos Post (槌球比賽) Franz Liszt/Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2, S. 244-2 (大貓臉來了) Reinecke/String Quartet No.4, Op.211 – III. Scherzo (審判開始) Brahms/Hungarian Dance No.5 – Allegro in F sharp minor (宣讀案情) Saint-Saens/Danse macabre, Op. 40 By Barbara Schubert; University of Chicago Symphony Orchestra (原來是一場夢) Puccini/La Bohème – Aria Quando m’en vo’(Act II, No. 13) (結尾) Amilcare Ponchielli/La Gioconda – Dance of the Hours By Markus Staab 授權連結:https://musopen.org/music/ 原作經過剪輯 Powered by Firstory Hosting