【口语天天练】I get stuck in traffic.

双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - A podcast by 喜马拉雅播客

关注微信公众号“爱英语”获取文字内容和英文故事机 我堵在路上了,可能七点到不了家。 I am stuck in traffic. I may not be able to get home by 7.  我结婚后还会继续工作的,我可不想整天就陷入家务中当中。 I will still be working after I get married. I don't wanna get stuck in housework.  因为下暴风雪,我们被困在村子里。 We are stuck in the village because of the snowstorm.