
双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - A podcast by 喜马拉雅播客

动画电影不简单-《长发公主》 经典歌曲(1): Healing Incantation Flower gleam and glow, Let your power shine 花儿闪亮发光,让你的力量闪耀. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine 使时光倒转,带回曾经的我.   经典歌曲(2): When Will My Life Begin Then I'll stretch 然后我会伸个懒腰 Maybe sketch 也许画画素描 Take a climb 爬爬 Sew a dress 缝条裙子 And I'll re-read the books 然后我会再看看那些书 If I have time to spare 如果还有别的时间 I'll paint the wall some more 我会在墙上再画些画 I'm sure there's room somewhere 我相信那上头一定有地方 And then I'll brush, and brush And brush, and brush my hair 然后我会梳、梳、梳头发 Stuck in the same place I've always been 一直被困在同一个地方   经典台词(1) Stuck in the same place I’ve always been 一直被困在同一个地方 When will my life begin? 我的生命何时开始?   经典台词(2) For like the first time ever, I'm completely free! I could go running, and racing, and dancing, and chasing and leaping, and bounding. Hair flying, heart pounding and splashing, and reeling, and finally feeling. That's when my life begins! 人生第一次,我获得了自由。我可以奔跑,疾走,舞蹈,追逐,猛冲,跳跃,发丝飞扬,心脏跳动,水滴飞溅,天旋地转,我终于感受到了,我的生命从此开始。 经典歌曲(3) I see the light     观看视频,关注公众微信号Kakaketang_Jessica. 加卡卡个人微信jessica_1stmail.微博@卡卡课堂,直播加长版的早餐微信英语等你来参加哦!申请时注明喜马拉雅同学就可以咯!