每日英語跟讀 Ep.K393: 最值得投資的五大法式女性風格

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K393: Ageless beauty the French way: five best lifestyle tips from French women   Regardless of age, French women are always spontaneous, elegant, dazzling and candid. Their charisma and charm are always turning heads on the street. Such charm has even earned them the title “the most beautiful people in the world.” However, to exude a classic French style from head to toe takes some learning. The following five points teach you how to become a chic French lady. 法國女人不論幾歲都隨興優雅,瀟灑且率性,卻總能散發個人特質,讓人頻頻回頭欣賞,甚至被譽為「全世界最美麗的人種」。從內到外的法式風情,可不容易輕易模仿,以下便歸納法國女子五大風格重點。 Minimalist skin care with natural formula treatments There is a saying that the essence of French women’s skin care is moisturizer. For them, skin care is a daily routine. Building a minimalist skin care regimen, French women use top-quality formula treatments to achieve gorgeous glowing skin. 極簡保養注重天然配方 有一句話說法國女人的保養,就是「保濕」。對她們來說保養是一種生活習慣,選擇簡單程序卻擁有高質量的成分配方,達到真正的有效保養。 Using scent to exude personality Coco Chanel once quoted the French poet Paul Valery: “A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” A woman can always tell her own personal story with her signature scent. 用香味述說個人特質 香奈兒女士也曾引述法國詩人保羅‧瓦勒里的一句話:「不擦香水的女人沒有未來」不妨試試用香氣說話、用香味述說你的故事。 Exuding personality with lipstick French women always have a lipstick in their handbags. Whether it is bright red, wine red or characteristic purple, they can always pick the best color for themselves. 紅唇講述我的態度 法國女人的包包裡永遠有一支代表她們的唇膏,不管是鮮紅色、復古酒紅色,又或是充滿個性的紫紅色,都能駕馭的很好。 Accepting imperfection and embracing beauty French women have always led an enviable, spontaneous life. The most important tip is to be true to oneself. 接納不完美,擁抱愛情美麗 法國女性活出的態度總讓人羨慕,率性又灑脫,不妨學學法式女子忠於自己的態度吧。 Enjoy reading with an aroma diffuser Filled with character and depth, books are the best treatment for the mind. While sinking into a reverie, French women love a bit of scent to go with their sacred and relaxing moment of reading. 點燃薰香享受閱讀時光 充滿魅力的性格與深度的特質,書籍就是心靈最好的保養。神聖又放鬆的閱讀時刻,法國女子喜歡點著薰香,沉澱思緒。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2022/06/14/2003779832

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