每日英語跟讀 Ep.K379: About Finland - 英國醫院試芬蘭嬰兒箱與北約啤酒

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K379: About Finland - Finnish Baby Boxes: Scandinavian Tradition To Be Trialled In UK Hospital   The tradition is credited for decreasing Finland’s infant mortality rate. 芬蘭的嬰兒箱傳統以降低夭折率享譽國際。 A Scandinavian baby trend, that involves expectant mothers being given a ’starter kit’ baby box, is being piloted in the UK. 斯堪地那維亞的育嬰時尚,包括贈予待產母親「新手包」嬰兒箱,已在英國試行。 About 600 women who give birth at the London hospital will be given one of the boxes. 約600名選在倫敦醫院分娩的孕婦可獲贈嬰兒箱。 Since the 1930s, the Finnish government has given mums-to-be a box before they give birth, which contains clothes, sheets, handbooks and toys. 從1930年代開始,芬蘭政府贈予待產媽媽一個箱子,裡面裝有衣物、被單、育兒手冊及玩具。 The box also has a mattress at the bottom, so it can be used as a baby’s cot. 箱底還有鋪墊,可做為嬰兒床。 The tradition is credited with helping to decrease Finland’s infant mortality rate. 這項傳統因有助於降低芬蘭的嬰兒夭折率而馳名。 The country had 65 deaths per 1,000 children born in 1938. This reduced to three deaths per 1,000 births in 2013, according to the World Bank data. 世界銀行資料顯示,芬蘭1938年每1000名嬰兒中有65人夭折。這項數據在2013年降為千分之3。 Publicity in the UK surrounding the Finnish baby boxes spiralled when the government sent one of their boxes to the Duchess of Cambridge when she was pregnant with Prince George. 劍橋公爵夫人(凱特王子妃)身懷喬治王子時,芬蘭政府送給她這種嬰兒箱,因而在英國聲名大噪。   Next Article   Topic: 芬蘭釀酒廠推出有「安全感滋味」的北約啤酒 Finland brewery launches NATO beer with ’taste of security’   A small brewery in Finland has launched a NATO-themed beer to mark the Nordic country’s bid to join the Western military alliance. 芬蘭一家小釀酒廠推出北大西洋公約組織(NATO)主題的啤酒,做為這個北歐國家有意加入西方軍事聯盟的紀念。 Olaf Brewing’s OTAN lager features a blue label with a cartoon version of a beer-drinking medieval knight in metal armor emblazoned with NATO’s compass symbol. 奧雷夫釀酒廠的OTAN拉格啤酒的包裝除了有藍色商標外,還有一個穿戴金屬盔甲、喝著啤酒的卡通版中世紀騎士,其胸口處還有北約的指南針標誌。 The beer’s name is a play on the Finnish expression "Otan olutta," which means "I’ll have a beer," and the French abbreviation for NATO, which is "OTAN." The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has two official languages, English and French. 啤酒之名大玩雙關,不僅意味芬蘭語的「我要來杯啤酒」,也意味北約在法語中的縮寫。英語和法語為北約的兩個官方語言。 CEO Petteri Vanttinen described the new lager as having "a taste of security, with a hint of freedom."

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