每日英語跟讀 Ep.K329: About animals - 加彭黑猩猩用昆蟲治療傷口的習性與一隻鹿闖進醫院

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K329: About animals - Treating wounds with insects: the strange habits of Gabon chimps   How to treat a wound? For humans, the first instinct would be to disinfect it and then cover it with a bandage. But chimpanzees have invented a more creative method: catching insects and applying them directly to the open wound. 應該如何處理傷口呢?對於人類來說,第一個反應是對其進行消毒,然後用繃帶包紮。但黑猩猩發明了一種更有創意的方法:用昆蟲並將牠們直接塗抹在開放性傷口上。 Scientists observed this behavior in chimpanzees in the West African nation of Gabon, noticing that the apes not only use insects to treat their own wounds, but also those of their peers. 科學家們在西非國家加彭的黑猩猩身上觀察到這種行為,並注意到這些猿類不僅使用昆蟲來治療自己的傷口,還用來治療同伴。 The project began in 2019, when an adult female chimpanzee named Suzee was observed inspecting a wound on the foot of her adolescent son. Suzee then suddenly caught an insect out of the air, put it in her mouth, apparently squeezed it, and then applied it to her son’s wound. 這項研究計畫始於2019年,科學家當時觀察到一隻名叫蘇西(Suzee)的成年雌黑猩猩,正在檢查牠青少年兒子腳上的傷口。接著,蘇西突然從空中抓了一隻蟲子,放進嘴裡抿碎,然後敷在牠兒子的傷口上。   Next Article   Deer runs into hospital, up escalator; later is euthanized 一隻鹿闖進醫院搭上電梯隨後被安樂死   News outlets reported that surveillance video showed a deer bounding into Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge in Louisiana through an open door and stumbling on the slippery floor as stunned workers and visitors watched from a few feet away. 監視影片顯示,有一隻鹿從路易斯安那州巴頓魯治聖母湖醫院開放的大門跳進院內後,在易滑的地板上跌倒,震驚的工作人員和訪客在幾呎外目睹一切。 The deer regained its footing enough to climb up the escalator and reach the second floor, where it was finally corralled and held down by several people. 這隻鹿站穩腳步後爬進電梯搭到二樓,才終於被許多人一同壓制及捕捉。 The deer was loaded on a hospital bed that was rolled outside to a truck from the The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department. 這隻鹿被放置在醫院病床上,推往路易斯安那野生動物和漁業部的卡車。 The animal had to be euthanized because of injuries, the agency said, adding there were indications it may have been struck by a vehicle before entering the building. 該機構說,由於這隻動物傷重,必須被安樂死。他們也補充道,牠看起來應該是進入醫院前遭汽車撞擊。 "Patient care has not been interrupted and the area is being thoroughly sanitized," said a statement by the hospital. 醫院聲明指出:「病患照護未受干擾,事發區域也已徹底消毒。」Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1501725 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1502232

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